1875 Special Tax Stamp for Retail Liquor Dealer (remainder) - 14 1/4 x 7 1/4"
Figure 2
Series 1878 taxpaid stamp for tobacco or snuff exportation (remainder) - 5 1/2 x 3"
Figure 3
Close-up of 1872 Rectified Spirits taxpaid, showing imprints for both BEP and Continental Bank Note
Figure 4
Series 1878 Rectified Spirits taxpaid for 45 gallons - typical used condition
Figure 5
Portrait of Edward B. Sterling, circa 1899
Figure 6
Hiram Deats in a stiffly posed photo from Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News.
Figure 7
Series 1868 Distilled Spirits taxpaid for 40 gallons. This remainder was filled out in advance by the tax collector, but never issued. 4 1/2 x 8 1/2" with stub.
Figures 8 & 9
Front and back of a Series 1878 Distillery Warehouse taxpaid that Deats & Sterling used as an advertising circular
Figure 10
Central vignettes for 1873-1885 Special Tax Stamps. Mercury (figure 1) was used on liquor related stamps, the Capitol for brewing and malt liquors, and the woman for tobacco.
Figure 11
Later issue Special Tax Stamps were not engraved and lacked vignettes; all followed this same basic design. 6 1/2 x 3 1/2"
Figure 12
Proof of Series 1902 Renovated Butter taxpaid. Renovating was a way to reprocess rancid butter by means of melting to make it fit for human consumption.